Grandma’s House

I am at my grandma’s old house, the one she lived in when I was younger. I am going through the house and it’s like I’ve stepped back in time 30 years. Everything is exactly the same..except my Grandma is already deceased. She’s no longer in the house. I keep looking in rooms and she’s not there. My heart breaks. I cry a lot.

He Came Back to Life

I’m in a very unfamiliar house. I don’t recognize anything, but I’m strangely comfortable here. I suddenly hear a knock at the door. I don’t feel any anxiety or worry about answering it. I walk to the door and pull it open. Standing there is my uncle. I am stunned. (In real life..he died nearly two years ago.) In the dream, I am thinking “How are you standing here? You died in 2009.” However, I do not say this. I just look at him in amazement. He walks in and has his friend with him. I am unable to distinguish who is with him, but it is a male figure. My uncle looks very much alive and as if nothing has happened. His white hat is backwards and he is wearing his work clothes. He has a cigarette in his mouth. Everything appears to be normal. He seems to know this strange house fairly well. Although I’ve never been here; never stepped foot inside, that I can remember.

/flash to a different scene/

We are all in a car. I am unsure who is driving. My grandmother is in this scene. My uncle is, also. My grandmother is in utter shock that my uncle is in her presence, alive. I tell her that he is very much alive and to touch his arm if she doesn’t believe me. But then the dream turns really chilling. She refuses to touch his arm. She refuses to touch him for fear of something. Of what…I do not know. For fear of him being alive again? For fear of “hurting” him and sending him back? For fear of something deeper? I am unsure and at this point in the dream I am feeling extremely nervous and on the edge..very chilly.


I woke up from this dream very cold and very afraid. He keeps coming to me in my dreams and I have no idea what he is trying to tell me. But the scenes are getting progressively chilly. And the dreams keep involving unfamiliar houses/settings.